Calm the mind, clear the head
I think it’s fair to say that there are times when we can get very stuck in the head – I certainly do from time to time. By that I mean that I have all sorts of thoughts going round and round and then I get myself into a real tizzy. Luckily, we can employ a simple Jin Shin Jyutsu flow to calm the mind and clear the head.
Practice this Jin Shin Jyutsu flow for the mind (video below)
The simple version of the flow
Believe it or not, it doesn’t take much to settle the mind when you know where to place the hands. The sequence of holds below can be practiced in a few minutes. If you can, sit quietly, close your eyes and place your hands. You don’t have to intend anything, just BE as you are. If you want the longer flow then please have a look at the video above where you can practice along with me in real time.
The nice thing about this Jin Shin Jyutsu flow to harmonize the mind is that it also helps the whole being. In this flow, we work with four energy sites or Safety Energy Locks: numbers 12, 20, 21 and 22. These SELs are helpful mind specialists.
When you feel stressed, take some time and practice each position for say 2-3 minutes. You will definitely feel the difference. In my experience, the more stressed I am, the bigger the change I feel after.
Position 1
Place left hand/fingers on the left side of the neck at SEL 12 and
Place right hand/fingers on right forehead at SEL 20

Position 2
Keep left hand/fingers on the left side of the neck at SEL 12 and
Place right hand/fingers on right base of cheek bone at SEL 21

Position 3
Keep left hand/fingers on the left side of the neck at SEL 12 and
Place right hand/fingers on the base of right collarbone at SEL 22

To practice the other side
To practice the other side, just reverse the hands, so
Position 1
Place right hand/fingers on right neck at SEL 12 and
Place left hand/fingers on left forehead at SEL 20
Position 2
Keep right hand/fingers on right neck at SEL 12 and
Place left hand/fingers on left base of cheek bone at SEL 21
Position 3
Keep right hand/fingers on right neck at SEL 12 and
Place left hand/fingers on the base of left collarbone at SEL 22
Want to learn more?
Jin Shin Jyutsu Resources
Jin Shin Jyutsu Self Help Hold for Anxiety and Panic Attacks