Ease the discomfort of brain stress with jin shin jyutsu

Ease the Discomfort of Brain Stress with Jin Shin Jyutsu

The Oxford Dictionary cites as one of its definitions of stress: “a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances.” In Jin Shin Jyutsu, we talk about WORRY, FEAR, ANGER, GRIEF and EFFORT: mental/emotional states that can cause stress and tension in our whole being. In this article, I show you a really simple exercise to ease the discomfort of brain stress with Jin Shin Jyutsu.

Watch the video where I show you the Jin Shin Jyutsu quick hold

What are some of the symptoms of brain stress?

If you suffer from the following, then you might be experiencing brain stress (and this list is not exhaustive; there are many more):

  • always worry about things
  • can’t focus properly
  • lose concentration
  • feel anxious and/or pessimistic
  • have bursts of anger or crying
  • feel fatigued

The good news (there always is)!

The wonderful thing about Jin Shin Jyutsu is that when we place the hands on the body we can help harmonise the effects of stress on the brain (and the rest of the body as well!).

One of my readers a while back wrote a testimonial about this Jin Shin Jyutsu exercise for brain stress:

“I regularly do this hold and consider it very effective. It’s good for people like me who sometimes think too much.”

The Jin Shin Jyutsu quick hold for brain stress

For right brain stress, work on the left side:

Place left hand so that the left fingers rest on the left base of skull (at SEL 4) and
place right hand on the inside of the left elbow (at SEL 19)

ease the discomfort of brain stress with jin shin jyutsu exercise

For left brain stress, work on the right side:

Place right hand so the right fingers rest on the right base of skull (at SEL 4) and
place left hand on the inside of the right elbow (at SEL 19)

You might also like:

Guided Practice Hour to Relax Mind and Body (self-paced video with notes)

67 page Illustrated Workbook to Clear Stress and Tension (PDF format)

See also this article with exercise:

Jin Shin Jyutsu self help to harmonise the mind