Jin Shin Jyutsu Mediator: a very important energy
Something happens or someone says something and I find myself reacting badly. Or I overreact. I just can’t help myself! Not only that: insignificant things become big issues, and I am left feeling mentally, emotionally and physically drained. The good news is that harmony can be restored with this Jin Shin Jyutsu Mediator self help exercise.
The mediator is a very important energy in the body. When it gets dis-harmonised, it can be the cause of many discomforts.
Watch the video and practice along in real time
But first: A bit about The Trinity
Mediator energies are very closely related to three main energy pathways called The Trinity in Jin Shin Jyutsu. These are Main Central and Left and Right Supervisors.
Main Central is the energy that connects each one of us to the Universal Source of Life. It flows down the front and up the back of the body in an oval, keeping us harmonised with source energy. I often describe it as the trunk of the tree. Because of this, it regenerates all of our other individualised energy functions. To harmonise Main Central you can simply do the Main Central Exercise.
If Main Central is the trunk of the tree, then the Left and Right Supervisor are the two main branches. The Left Supervisor supervises the energy circulation on the left side. It flows down the front and up the back of the left side, also in an oval pattern. The same happens on the right side of the body. There is a simple exercise to harmonise the Left and Right Supervisors.
So again, Main Central along with the Left and Right Supervisor form The Trinity.

On to the Diagonal Mediators
The Diagonal Mediator Energies ensure that the left and right side energies of the body are in balance. In essence, they mediate between the two sides, making sure that left and right side are also in harmony with Main Central.
Mary Burmeister wrote: “It is of vital importance to keep [The Mediator] functioning properly for the total supply of energy to the whole man.”
What happens when Mediator is not harmonised?
Mary also said that ‘this energy is the cause for disharmony in the body’. Let’s look at that in more detail.
Fundamentally, attitudes are at the root of all disharmony. By attitudes I mean Worry, Fear, Anger, Sadness and Trying To’s (or Efforting).
These attitudes are born at the level of the Mediator energy.
The way I see it is that we all experience emotions such as Worry, Fear, Anger, Sadness and Trying To’s – we are human after all. It’s when we get ‘stuck’ in one of these emotions that they become an ATTITUDE.
How does that feel, to get ‘stuck in an emotion’? Well, I feel angry all the time. I am reactive and I overreact. I worry all the time and I just can’t stop. I’m anxious about everything. The smallest thing makes me cry. Life isn’t fair! Life isn’t fun! And on and on. You get the picture.
It’s pretty draining, isn’t it? Can’t think straight, let alone find the energy to function optimally from day to day.
Exhaustion is also a good indicator that mediator is overloaded.
Jin Shin Jyutsu Mediator also helps
So apart from balancing the emotions, it also helps take fatigue out of the body. Great for allergic reactions, especially if they affect the nose and eyes. Use it when your shoulders are tight and achey.

Self help exercise to harmonize Mediator energies
The following self help exercise harmonizes Left and Right Diagonal Mediator energies. Practice it every day for a few minutes or for as long as you like! Start with the side that you feel is the most tense. If you don’t know which side that is, then start with the left Mediator.
I find it really comfortable to do this exercise while lying in bed and placing pillows and cushions where I need them.
The left Mediator flow:
Place the right hand over the left shoulder and place the left thumb over the left ring fingernail. At the same time, bring the knees together. Relax the hands. Hold for 3-5 minutes, or longer, until you feel relief.
Tip: When lying in bed and knees are together, I like to flop my feet out to the side. It’s easier to keep my knees together that way.
The right Mediator flow:
Place the left hand over the right shoulder and place the right thumb over the right ring fingernail. At the same time, bring the knees together. Relax the hands. Hold 3-5 minutes, or longer, until you feel relief.
Mary Burmeister, a foremost teacher of this Universal Art said: “Happiness is the measure of our HARMONY.”
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IMPORTANT: This information is not meant as a substitute for medical attention. If symptoms persist always consult your physician. See full Disclaimer.