Self Help for FAST relief of Leg Cramps
Ooohhhh the pain.
Ooohhh the agony.
Most of us have woken up at some time or other with cramp in the leg.
A few nights ago it was my right calf muscle that seized up. Thank goodness I knew what to do. I immediately dug my fingers into the backs of my knees and held on for dear life.
Within 10 to 15 seconds, I promise you, no more than that, the cramp eased and disappeared. It was a pretty bad one, so my lower leg felt sore for a while but I could go back to sleep.

Remember this GEM of a Jin Shin Jyutsu Self Help Hold when you have cramp in the leg, or muscle cramp anywhere in the body for that matter!
Read this personal story about a leg cramp emergency
Learn more about Jin Shin Jyutsu.
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