This Art is ours to use

Jin Shin Jyutsu: This Art is Ours to Use

No matter where I am, or where I travel to, I always see people in a perfect Jin Shin Jyutsu self help hold. They are helping themselves, but they don’t even know it!

We do this without knowing it!

Recently, I sat next to a gentleman on a (short) flight. He was at least 6 foot tall, the flight was full and he had to cram himself into a seat next to the window. However, he had a very calm energy about him, and he did not fidget. Then I saw that he was holding his thumb! So I also held my thumb, to help us both.

Isn’t it comforting to know that helping MYSELF is as simple as holding a thumb or a finger? When I first started working with this Art, I was disbelieving. I said to myself: ‘It can’t be that simple. I will start with something much more complicated so I get REALLY good results.’

The interesting thing is that some of my most powerful results have come from spending a few minutes just holding a finger.

I encourage you to choose one of your thumbs or fingers (or let IT choose you!!) – to close your eyes and hold it for a few minutes in a quiet space. The last time I suggested this to a friend, she was amazed to discover that a whole HOUR had gone by – after which she felt like new….

But don’t take my word for it.

As Mary always used to say: ‘Be your own testimony.’

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