Jin Shin Jyutsu Exercise Hold RING finger for GRIEF

Jin Shin Jyutsu Exercise: Hold RING finger for GRIEF

Hold RING finger (either side) to harmonize the attitude of GRIEF and sorrow, and to help:

* ringing in the ear (tinnitus)
* respiratory functions
* excessive mucus
* skin conditions
* lung and large intestine energy
* when have to RECLINE a lot

Jin Shin Jyutsu Exercise Hold RING finger for GRIEF

Jin Shin Jyutsu Self Help with Astrid – The RING Finger

The basis of self help in Jin Shin Jyutsu IS the thumbs and fingers. In this video (originally a live stream on my Facebook page) I talk about the benefits of holding the RING finger. I also answer viewers’ questions and share some interesting stories! I hope you enjoy the video.

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My self paced Mini eCourse where I take you through a variety of Jin Shin Jyutsu self help exercises. It includes notes and videos.

See also:

Jin Shin Jyutsu Finger Method