Fear and Anxiety about the Future

Fear and Anxiety about the Future

I know things are challenging post lockdown, to say the least.

Many of us are experiencing fear and anxiety about the future.

We all have a road map of what is safe, and that road map is changing every day.

I am also facing these challenges, as are people around me.

What I do also know is that Jin Shin Jyutsu helps keep my energy up, and it keeps me focused in the PRESENT – and remember that Jane Roberts channeled the wise Seth in the seventies who said: ‘Your Point of Power is in the Present’.

The main thing is:

Keep BREATHING – one breath at a time – it comes and it goes – no effort – be present, and remember: focus on this moment – in this precise moment you are alive and breathing – hold a finger and GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD – ALL IS WELL.

How to get out of your head

Work with the 20, 21, 22 Flow of Text 1 on page 32 (work on the right side first).

The self-help holds in layman’s terms are:

Left hand on left neck (SEL 12) and right hand on right forehead (SEl 20), then move right hand to right cheek (SEL 21) then move the right hand to the right clavicle (SEL 22).

For full description and pictures go to Self Help Harmonize the Mind

The Stomach Flow, and Spleen Flows are also helpful (Mary also includes these two flows in her self-help book 1 and it also appears towards the back in The Touch of Healing under General Daily Sequences).

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