Jin Shin Jyutsu is a great way to still the mind
For a long time now I have been following the teachings of Abraham, a collective consciousness.
Esther Hicks is the fabulous lady who “transcribes” Abraham’s message into words.
How can Jin Shin Jyutsu help?
Jin Shin Jyutsu is a great way to still the mind, thereby releasing tension or resistance.
Resistance to what, I hear you ask? Well, very often we go about our lives beating the drum of what we DON’T want. When we do that we send out a message to the universe and ‘guess what?’ the universe sends us back more of what we focus on.

Very simply, by focusing on what we DO want, we can change our reality. I have found that an infinitesimal shift in focus to what I DO want can bring about great relief to how I FEEL. And that is the key to Law of Attraction.
Not only that, when I reduce resistance and increase allowing then it’s much easier to get momentum going for what I DO want in my life (relationships, happiness, money, new car – whatever that may be).
Jin Shin Jyutsu and the Law of Attraction
Adding simple Jin Shin Jyutsu self help exercises to your daily meditation routine, for example, calms the mind and relaxes the body. It helps you EXHALE and LET GO a bit more easily.
It can be as easy as holding the thumb while you sit quietly and close your eyes, clearing the mind of worry.
Many videos on YouTube
There are many many videos on YouTube about Abraham-Hicks and the law of attraction.
Here’s a Law of Attraction YouTube video/podcast where I introduce the Universal Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu and how it can help.
See more on Jin Shin Jyutsu and how to get started with self help:
Universal Art to Boost energy and Balance Emotions
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