Support the vagus nerve with Jin Shin Jyutsu

Jin Shin Jyutsu for the Vagus Nerve

Our nervous system has one function and that is to keep us alive. One of the most important nerves in our body is the vagus nerve. When it is working optimally, we feel calm. Sometimes, though, it can overreact and cause all manner of discomforts. This Jin Shin Jyutsu exercise supports the vagus nerve, increasing the vagal tone so that it can work more effectively.

Watch the video and practice along

Our marvellous nervous system

Our nervous system comprises different parts of our body, like the brain, the spine, the cranial nerves and others. In simple terms, it works in a sympathetic and parasympathetic capacity.

The sympathetic nervous system’s key role is to activate our ‘fight or flight’ mechanism. When we are under stress (actual or perceived) our endocrine system sends out signals to the adrenals. They then produce adrenaline to rev the body into action.

In contrast, the parasympathetic system is there to facilitate rest and recovery. It does this by slowing the heart rate, as well as the breathing. It also helps lower blood pressure and encourages digestion.

There are 12 cranial nerves and each one is found on both the left and the right sides. They all originate in the brain but ten of them come out of the brainstem. Cranial nerves reach to the throat, face, neck, thorax and abdomen.

Four of the 12 cranial nerves, including the vagus nerve, are involved in the parasympathetic nervous system.

The 10th cranial nerve: the vagus nerve

The tenth cranial nerve is the longest nerve in the body. Because it is so long and has so many branches, it is called the Vagus nerve. Vagus means ‘wanderer’ in Latin.

The vagus nerve is the main player of the parasympathetic nervous system, and is essential to maintain balance of a great many bodily functions. These include mood control, our natural defences (i.e. immunity), digestion and heart rate.

The Jin Shin Jyutsu Vagus Nerve Exercise

This simple exercise will help calm the whole being, and support the vagus nerve.

Sit or lie comfortably.
Place the right hand over the left shoulder and
the left hand on the right side of the neck.
Relax the hands and hold for a couple of minutes or longer if it feels good!

Support the vagus nerve with Jin Shin Jyutsu Exercise 1

Keep the right hand over the left shoulder and
place the left hand on the right forehead.
Relax and hold.

Support the vagus nerve with Jin Shin Jyutsu Exercise 2

Keep the right hand over the left shoulder and
place the left hand on the left side of the neck.
Relax and hold.

Support the vagus nerve with Jin Shin Jyutsu Exercise 3

To do the other side, reverse the hands

Place the left hand over the right shoulder and
the right hand on the left side of the neck, then
Keep the left hand over the right shoulder and
place the right hand on the left forehead, then
Keep the left hand over the right shoulder and
place the right hand on the right side of the neck.

Want more exercises?
Check out my Illustrated Workbook Bundle (PDF Format) with a variety of Jin Shin Jyutsu exercises to address:
Fatigue, Anxiety, Emergency situations, Stress and Tension in the Body

See also:
Jin Shin Jyutsu Self Help for Anxiety and Panic Attacks