Astrid Kauffmann talks about Jin Shin Jyutsu
Astrid Kauffmann talks about Jin Shin Jyutsu on the PsychoHealthology Online Summit
I am very excited to announce that I am one of the Speakers on the PsychoHealthology Online Summit.
Here, I talk to Dr Eva Detko about Jin Shin Jyutsu and how this Universal Art can support those living with autoimmune issues.
Not only that, on this Summit you will learn from 30+ experts how to develop a nurturing mindset, resolve emotional trauma, and deal with stress, anxiety and chronic pain.
If you would like to see what I, and others have to say on the topic, please click on the link below:

Do you have an autoimmunity project?
I would be interested to hear if you have an autoimmunity project, what your challenges/symptoms are, and whether Jin Shin Jyutsu or other modalities have helped you (or not). I will be addressing this issue more in depth in the future on this blog.
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