These are stressful times
Nowadays it doesn’t take much to get caught up in the stresses of daily living; everything happens so fast. There is also a lot that we have to deal with on every level – physically, mentally and emotionally. Not surprising then that we sometimes feel depleted and down. The good news is that there is an easy Jin Shin Jyutsu self help hold for fatigue and despondency. You can do this anywhere, anytime, as long as your hands are free!
Watch the video where I show you the Jin Shin Jyutsu quick hold
Trillions of cells
Recently I did some research into one of my favorite subjects: the cells in our body. I discovered that latest estimates put the number of cells that we have at about 30 trillion! One trillion has twelve zeros. For me, that’s impossible to fathom.
But it doesn’t matter, because we are built in such a clever way. Therefore, we can access the Source of Energy for ALL the cells in the body with the following Jin Shin Jyutsu exercise. That is profound, don’t you think?
Palms of Hands and Soles of Feet
Mary Burmeister says that ‘the centers of the palms and the soles of the feet help release general tension and stress from the total body’. In fact, they ‘represent the Main Central Vertical Universal Harmonizing Energy Flow’.
In short, to harmonize our total being we can practice the Main Central exercise. However, it might not always be convenient to do this – if we’re sitting in a meeting or at a bus stop, people might wonder what on earth we are up to!
Luckily, an easy way to access the Source of Energy for all our trillions of cells and 144,000 energy functions is by holding the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet. Doesn’t get any better than this.
Jin Shin Jyutsu for fatigue and despondency
Although I just said you can practice this exercise anywhere, anytime, I suggest that you take the time to experience it in this way.
Sit or lie quietly. Close your eyes. You can put on some relaxing background music if you like.

Palms of HANDS
Place the left fingers in the center of the right palm, and place the right fingers in the center of the left palm. Relax the hands and hold for a few minutes.
Then Soles of FEET
Then, if you can, place your left fingers on the left sole of the foot, and your right fingers on the right sole of the foot. Or you can also sit cross-legged and place the left fingers on the sole of the right foot and the right fingers on the sole of the left foot. Relax the hands and hold for a few minutes.
Another variation on the theme
I like to also do the following:
I place my right fingers on the sole of the left foot and while I am holding there, I place my left fingers on the palm of the right hand. Hold for a few minutes. Then I place my left fingers on the sole of the right foot and while I am holding there, I place my right fingers on the palm of the left hand. Hold for a few minutes. I find this a really dynamic exercise, but do it to suit you.
If placing your hands on the soles of the feet is not easy for you, then just keep holding the centers of the palms. You can do both palms together, or one at a time.
I practice this hold when I am feeling generally unsettled. It is a great Jin Shin Jyutsu self help for fatigue and despondency.
You can also do this exercise when there is eye strain, a problem with elimination, cold feet, abdominal cramping, difficulty breathing, worry about the heart and an appetite imbalance.
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My 53 page illustrated Workbook to Alleviate Fatigue
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