Clear the chest, cough gone!

It’s amazing how quickly the body responds when we know how to help it. In my classes, I often tell the story of how I eased a cough and chest congestion with these easy and quick Jin Shin Jyutsu holds.

Years ago, I was lying down and I suddenly started coughing. It felt like something had got ‘stuck’ in my chest and I was trying to ‘cough it out’. So I decided to practice some self help to help the lung energy.

After a few moments of placing my hands on the left side of my body, I felt a circular movement in my left chest – like a pipe being cleared – and the coughing stopped immediately!

I continued with the exercise for a bit. By the time I finished, I felt as good as new. No sign of any coughing or chest discomforts!

Watch the video where I show you the Jin Shin Jyutsu self help holds

I’m pretty sure I was able to stop the cough in its tracks with the following Jin Shin Jyutsu exercise because I worked on it immediately. If a cough has taken hold on the other hand, it might have required a few sessions to clear it.

And you might also like to check out this other post I wrote a while back to clear the chest and breathe more easily

Ease cough and chest congestion with Jin Shin Jyutsu quick holds

This exercise aids the lung energy, so of course it helps the lungs. It is great to clear a cough and chest congestion, it also helps if you suffer from night sweats. I often do this exercise before I go to sleep, to help me sleep through the night.

First position
Place the left hand on left last rib and
place the right hand on base of left collarbone
Relax the hands and hold for 2 minutes or longer, then

ease cough and chest congestion with jin shin jyutsu position 1

Second position
Keep the left hand on left last rib and
place the right hand on the back of the left upper arm
(if it is difficult to do this then just place the tips of the fingers on the front of the upper arm)
Relax the hands and hold for 2 minutes or longer, then

ease cough and chest congestion with jin shin jyutsu position 2

Third position
Keep the left hand on left last rib and
tuck the right fingers onto the left base of thumb
Relax the hands and hold for 2 minutes or longer.

ease cough and chest congestion with jin shin jyutsu position 3

First position
Place the right hand on right last rib and
place the left hand on base of right collarbone
Relax the hands and hold for 2 minutes or longer, then

Second position
Keep the right hand on right last rib and
place the left hand on the back of the right upper arm
(if it is difficult to do this then just place the tips of the fingers on the front of the upper arm)
Relax the hands and hold for 2 minutes or longer, then

Third position
Keep the right hand on right last rib and
tuck the left fingers onto the right base of thumb
Relax the hands and hold for 2 minutes or longer.

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