The Chelsea Flower Show
Every year in May, thousands of visitors from all parts of the world flock to a very popular Flower Show held in London, England. Unfortunately, a somewhat bothersome phenomenon named the Chelsea Cough mars many people’s enjoyment of it.
But never fear, there is a simple Jin Shin Jyutsu self help hold to ease that infamous irritation.
Sara’s Chelsea Cough experience
Last year, my friend Sara (also one of my Jin Shin Jyutsu clients) participated in this Flower Show. She told me about her experience with the Chelsea Cough and how a self help hold I showed her helped relieve symptoms:
“I had heard of this Cough but as I’d never been to the Chelsea Flower Show I didn’t quite know what it would be like. I saw lots of people suffering – coughing and spluttering and sneezing. It’s a very strange effect. But I remembered your hold. Sadly it was on the last day, but it really helped! In fact, I told many people about it and they all said it eased their symptoms.”
Self help hold to ease irritating cough
I was impressed that Sara remembered the hold, but also that it worked with just one hand. It’s really simple. Place your left hand over your right upper arm. Or you can place your right hand over your left upper arm.
Use both hands!
If you like, you can add an extra dynamic to this hold by using both hands as follows:
- Cross the arms. Place left hand on right upper arm and place right hand on left upper arm.
- Place left hand on right upper arm and place right hand on left thigh above the knee (fingers pointing down). For the other side, place right hand on left upper and and place left hand on right thigh above the knee (fingers pointing down).

What causes the Chelsea Cough at Chelsea Flower Show?
The culprit is the London Plane tree.
These trees are a permanent fixture at the Chelsea Flower Show and there are lots of them. They are known to cause grief to many visitors. This is because it’s the exact time of year when the London Plane trees produce a dust from the bristle fibres on the seeds that create a physical irritation.* Apparently, the problem is exacerbated by dry and windy weather.

A bit of history
London Plane trees are the result of a cross between two different tree species from widely divergent parts of the globe.
Records say that this hybrid was created in the 17th Century, but details as to how and where this took place are lost. Regardless of its origin, the new offspring of the cross was discovered to tolerate the nastiest smoke and grime in London. Because of this, its fame has spread over the last 300 years.
Found in many cities
The London Plane tree is a popular street tree in cities. It thrives in sooty air and provides wonderful shade. Its ability to withstand air pollution, drought, and other adversities assures its popularity as an urban tree.
See also:
Ease cough and chest congestion with Jin Shin Jyutsu
Self help hold for allergies (mediator)
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About Sara Willman, founder of myflowerpatch.com
Award-winning grower of beautiful fresh flowers for all occasions, based in Wiltshire, England.
Royal Horticultural Society website: rhs.org.uk
Chelsea Flower Show on Wikipedia
*Tweet by James Wong @Botanygeek 14 May 2018