Each finger corresponds to an attitude
There are five Attitudes:
Worry, Fear, Anger, Grief and Trying Tos (or Efforting).
Each finger corresponds to an attitude, so you can harmonise Worry by holding the Thumb, Fear by holding the Index Finger, Anger by holding the Middle Finger, Grief by Holding the Ring Finger and Pretense by holding the Little Finger.

You don’t hold your thumb or finger so that the attitude ‘goes away’ – rather, you hold it so that you allow that feeling to harmonise and so that you can observe that attitude and gain more clarity.
Attitudes in themselves are not bad – we are, after all human beings and part of our make up is to experience all these emotions, or attitudes.
The Problem
The ‘problem’ arises when we get STUCK in the behaviours that go along with these attitudes.
The prime attitude is FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real) – out of FEAR come all the others. Anger, for instance is about wanting something to happen in a certain way, our way. And if that doesn’t happen then I get ‘angry’.
Sadness or grief has to do with losing something that I cherished – but if that grief goes on for 20 years then I have got stuck in that grief. Attitudes are not right or wrong – but they can be changed so they don’t control our every day behaviour.
So hold your thumb and fingers whenever your hands are idle. You’ll be harmonising attitudes, moving the energy and revitalising your whole being. What could be easier?
And the effect is cumulative, so the more you hold, the more you ‘clean’ and the more you harmonise.
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