Part 1: Benefits of Jin Shin Jyutsu
The benefits of Jin Shin Jyutsu are many as it harmonizes on all levels. All you need is your hands to practice this wonderful Universal Art that is innately part of us.
Jin Shin Jyutsu releases tensions, so healthy people also use it on a regular basis to stay fit and prevent the occurrence of illness. It is a special gift to give to yourself.
Early release of tension is good preventative care.
Stress that is held can cause disease
When stress is held and repressed in the body over a long period of time, disease can result. Jin Shin Jyutsu treatment (either by a practitioner or as self-help) is a pleasurable experience, usually one of deep relaxation.
After treatment, symptoms may or may not be relieved. They often are, but it may take 8 to 24 hours to notice changes, as this therapy initiates the flow of energy. Afterwards, the energy cycles for another 24 hours of healing, cleaning and releasing of tensions.
After several treatments, a person can really feel the difference and has a sense of real balance and vitality, so they are better able to distinguish when they are ‘out of balance’.
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