Release Stress and Tension
In our modern world, life is fast. So fast it can be breathtaking (literally!). So here is a powerful Jin Shin Jyutsu exercise to relieve mental and emotional stress and tension.
In the video below, I explain why I selected this particular exercise and how to practice it. Please share with your friends, family and anyone interested!
You can do this exercise at any time when you feel mental and emotional stress. Good for stress management.
The Video Replay
My Inspiration for the Global Events
My Inspiration for these Global Events came in September 2014. I envisaged people from all over the world harmonizing together with Jin Shin Jyutsu.
A synchronized practice across the different time zones to create a ‘rainbow of harmony’; from New Zealand to Australia, then Asia, Europe, Africa, South America and North America, finally finishing in Hawaii.
Over the years, people in up to 40 countries have participated.
Will you join us for the next one?
For email notification of the next Global Event about Jin Shin Jyutsu please signup at this link below.
You will also get a pdf download with more exercises 🙂 and be added to my email list.
Let us create a rainbow of harmony across the world?
See also: