Flows For Life Give My Self Hug for Peace

Give MY SELF a Jin Shin Jyutsu Hug

In this post, I share a couple of simple exercises to harmonise all functions and bring peace to mind and body. Just start by giving yourself a Jin Shin Jyutsu HUG!

Watch the video where I show you the Jin Shin Jyutsu quick hold

26 Energy Sites or Safety Energy Locks

We have 26 energy sites on the body. There are 26 on the left side and 26 on the right side and they are mirror images of each other. Each energy site has a specific location and a specific function to help us on all levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

These 26×2 areas on the body are not points. They are three dimensional, concentrated spheres of energy that have a diameter of about 3 inches. So it’s important to realise that there is quite a big area to work with. As practitioners, we aim to go to the place in the energy site that is most tense, so that tension can be released, and the energy flows properly again.

Using Two Specific Safety Energy Locks

The number 26 energy site (or Safety Energy Locks (SELs) as we refer to them in Jin Shin Jyutsu) mean Complete (that which was, is, will be). We can release and harmonise SEL 26 energy (one on the left side and one on the right) by giving MY SELF a hug (see image below – exercise 1). SEL 26 is found under the arm pit on the lateral (outer) edge of the shoulder blade.

There is another Safety Energy Lock we can use very effectively with SEL 26 and that is SEL 24.

SEL 24 is located on the top of the foot up from the little, 4th and middle toes. If you feel an area of tension then that’s where you want to hold to release and harmonise the 24s!

SEL 24 is the harmoniser of chaos, and is also called the Peacemaker.  Mary Burmeister said of SEL 24: ‘…harmonise all chaos within for complete PEACE of mind and body.’

Harmonise MY SELF for PEACE

You can do all of these exercises, or pick and choose which one feels most comfortable.

To start with the Jin Shin Jyutsu HUG:
Place right hand under the left arm pit and
Place left hand under the right arm pit
The thumbs rest on the front of the chest (as shown)

Complete Harmoniser (left and right sides)

Give My Self A Jin Shin Jyutsu HUG for Peace 1

Harmonising Chaos
You can do this part of the exercise before or after the Jin Shin Jyutsu HUG, or on its own

Using Left SEL 26
Place right hand under left arm pit at SEL 26 and
Place left hand on right top of foot at SEL 24

Give My Self A Jin Shin Jyutsu HUG for Peace 2

Using Right SEL 26
Place left hand under right arm pit at SEL 26 and
Place right hand on left top of foot at SEL 24

Give My Self A Jin Shin Jyutsu HUG for Peace 3

Note: These exercises were part of a Jin Shin Jyutsu Global Event hosted by Astrid Kauffmann on Monday, 30 November 2015. People all over the world practiced together at 11.30 am & pm at their local time, wherever they were, to create a rainbow of peace around the world.

We started in Australia and New Zealand. Then moved around the world along the different time zones, along Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Europe, then the Americas, and finished in Hawaii! People in about 40 countries participated.

Want to learn more about Jin Shin Jyutsu?

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See also:

A-Z index of projects (symptoms)