Jin Shin Jyutsu to help the gallbladder
The gallbladder is not normally an organ you would think about a lot – until, of course, it starts complaining and causing discomforts. Consequently, there are many reasons why practicing a Jin Shin Jyutsu exercise to support the gallbladder on a regular basis is a good idea.
Watch the video and practice along
A bit about the physical gallbladder
Let’s talk a bit about the physical gallbladder. The actual organ is pear shaped and its function is to store and release bile. Bile is produced by the liver and it helps the digestive system break down fats. It is located under the liver on the top right part of the abdomen.
Sometimes, the gallbladder is removed, but one can continue living a normal life without it. When there is no gallbladder, what happens is that bile flows out of the bile ducts directly into the digestive system instead of being stored in the gallbladder first.
The most common issue with the gallbladder is gallstones.
Whether you have a gallbladder or not, you can still work with the energy pathway of the gallbladder.
The energy pathway of the gallbladder
In Jin Shin Jyutsu, the gallbladder energy starts under the eyelid, and then does three swipes through the head, down the neck and shoulder, down the chest and into the abdomen. Then it crosses the hip to the leg on the other side, goes down the outside of the leg into the ring and big toes. So this energy travels from the head all the way down to the toes.
Important to say that this energy appears on the left and right side as a mirror image of each other.
Based on the energy pathway of the gallbladder, when it is out of balance, we can encounter some of the following symptoms:
- migraine headaches
- discoloration under the eyelids
- neck and shoulder pains
- indigestion / gas / flatulence
- outer knee pain
- outer leg / shin / outer ankle
Jin Shin Jyutsu flow for the gallbladder
A specific sequence of hand placements, called a flow in Jin Shin Jyutsu, can help support and harmonise the gallbladder energy
Jin Shin Jyutsu Exercise to harmonise the gallbladder
Right side (shown)
Place right hand on right side of neck and
left hand on left forehead then

place left hand, palm against the body, on the coccyx.

Then place left hand on left outside of heel, then

bring left hand up and place it on left last rib at the waist, then

place left hand on right last rib,

then place left hand on right base of collarbone.

Left side
Place left hand on left side of neck and
right hand on right forehead then
place right hand, palm against the body, on the coccyx.
Then place right hand on right outside of heel, then
bring right hand up and place it on right last rib at the waist, then
place right hand on left last rib,
then place right hand on left base of collarbone.
You can hold each position 2-3 minutes. You can do the left or right side, or both sides. Make sure you are sitting or lying comfortably. Place the hands and relax them.
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