Release pain in the arms with Jin Shin Jyutsu

Jin Shin Jyutsu helps with arm pain

When the arms hurt it affects the whole body. The good news is that there is a simple Jin Shin Jyutsu exercise that helps with arm pain (and much more besides!).

Watch the video and practice along in real time

Our system of 26 Safety Energy Locks

We have 26 pairs of energy sites which we call Safety Energy Locks (SELs) in Jin Shin Jyutsu. There are 26 on the left side and 26 mirror images on the right side. Each one is appropriately located on the body according to its function.

When we know which role each one plays to keep us harmonised then we can work with these Safety Energy Locks and get great results. Even better, they help us on all levels at once: spirit, mind and body.

In this Jin Shin Jyutsu exercise for arm pain, we focus on one particular energy site: SEL 11. It is located at the angle where the base of the neck joins the shoulder. To find it, just place your right hand over the left shoulder, with the thumb close to the neck, and place your left hand over the right shoulder in the same way.

An all important SEL

While all SELs are important, SEL 11 plays a major role in maintaining total balance of the body. This is because it is located in the center of all the Safety Energy Locks. We call it THE HUB.

When we clear and recharge SEL 11 we release stress and tension from head to toes and toes to head.

Not surprisingly, this is a key SEL to release tension in the neck, shoulder, arm, elbow, wrist, hand and fingers.

Jin Shin Jyutsu exercise for arm pain

Right flow (shown)

Place left hand over right shoulder at SEL 11 and
place right thumb over right index finger nail, then

Jin Shin Jyutsu Arm Pain Position 1

place right thumb over right middle finger nail, then

Jin Shin Jyutsu Arm Pain Position 2

place right thumb over right ring finger nail, then

Jin Shin Jyutsu Arm Pain Position 3

place right thumb over right little finger nail.

Jin Shin Jyutsu Arm Pain Position 4

Reverse the hands for the left flow, so:

Place right hand over left shoulder at SEL 11 and
place left thumb over left index finger nail, then
place left thumb over left middle finger nail, then
place left thumb over left ring finger nail, then
place left thumb over left little finger nail.

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My Guided Practice Hour Bundle that includes various Jin Shin Jyutsu exercises for the digestive and immune systems, the eyes, to relax mind and body and to help with mental and emotional balance.

See also this article for Jin Shin Jyutsu exercises to help with Repetitive Strain Injury.