Jin Shin Jyutsu for More JOY
Mary Burmeister, the foremost teacher of Jin Shin Jyutsu said: “Little Fingers and Big Toes aid in bringing laughter and joy into one’s life.”
I discovered the power of holding one of my little fingers a few years ago when after a few minutes I entered into a sublimely blissful state. It was incredibly relaxing. I was very stressed at the time and the experience just brought me back to MYSELF.
Watch the video where you can practice along in real time
Hold little fingers…
Holding either little finger is especially good when I need ME time, when life is full of ‘efforting’ and ‘trying tos’ . Then I can get perspective again and life becomes easier, more effortless. This is the power of the Jin Shin Jyutsu little fingers.

Moreover, I’ve been surprised at how quickly this Jin Shin Jyutsu exercise helps ease heart discomforts like say, if it starts palpitating a bit.
Holding little finger also helps dissipate a sore throat, so at the first sign of it, hold either little finger.
It’s so easy you can practice this any time of the day – works while you sleep too!
…then add the big toes
Add the big toes to the exercise, and in energy speak, little fingers and big toes are great harmonisers for the WHOLE being.They are great for when we have lost our enthusiasm and joie de vivre: our joy of life.
Holding big toes brings the energy all the way down from the head to the toes.

Holding Little Fingers and Big Toes helps with so many issues including: ‘heart discomforts, heart palpitations, chest congestion and digestion. They also help clear the vascular, nervous, muscular and skeletal energy circulatory systems. As well as head discomforts, bloat and urinary problems, and swollen ankles.’ Wow – this hold really does it ALL!
You can do the exercises below at any time as self help. A few minutes each day is a good place to start, or until you feel relief from symptoms. Remember that the effect of holding often is cumulative, so the more you hold, the quicker the positive effects.
Borrow someone else’s hands
If you find it hard to reach your big toes then ask for someone to lend a hand (or two). Lie face up. They stand or sit at your feet facing you. While you hold your right little finger and then your left little finger, they can hold your big toes. Hold each finger for two minutes or longer.If there is no one nearby to help, you can use this variation. After holding little finger, place your hands on your groins (left hand on left groin and right hand on right groin).
The Jin Shin Jyutsu Fingers and Toes exercise
You can do the this self help as mentioned above, or as shown in the video (where you can practice along in real time). Below is the outline:
Wrap left hand around RIGHT LITTLE FINGER then after a few minutes,
Left hand holds the left BIG TOE, and
at the same time, place right thumb over right little finger nail and hold.
Wrap right hand around LEFT LITTLE FINGER then, after a few minutes
Right hand holds the right BIG TOE, and
at the same time, place left thumb over left little finger nail and hold.
Feel the Blisssss…
Want to learn Jin Shin Jyutsu from the beginning?
Have a look at my Skills for Life Part 1 online course – Awaken to Jin Shin Jyutsu: A Universal Art of Living