Jin Shin Jyutsu: An Innate Wisdom
I often see people in a ‘perfect’ Jin Shin Jyutsu self help position (meaning they’ve placed their hands on energy sites on their bodies), even though they’ve probably never heard of this ancient healing art before in their lives. How can this be?
Jin Shin Jyutsu is an innate wisdom that we all tap into unknowingly and intuitively when we hear the body’s message: please help me!
By introducing Jin shin Jyutsu, one awakens to the conscious application of the art, and therefore is empowered to do something about the discomfort, the pain, and the every day sufferings that we humans ‘endure’.
I say let’s not endure any more!
Let’s not solely exist and be ‘victims’ to all the slings and arrows that life throws at us, but let’s actively and consciously live a happier, healthier and more aware and empowered existence.
Jin Shin Jyutsu helps us do this.