Get relief from nausea with Jin Shin Jyutsu
Sometimes if I eat something that doesn’t agree with me, my stomach complains and I feel nauseous. It’s a horrible feeling. The good news is that there is an easy way to get relief from the discomfort and nausea with Jin Shin Jyutsu.
Of course, if the nausea does not ease and symptoms get worse, it goes without saying that I advise seeing a doctor.
But generally, this self help hold really does get the energy moving so you can get relief from nausea.
Watch the video where I show you the Jin Shin Jyutsu quick hold
It’s all about the Prime Mover
When we practice this hold, we work with an energy site, or Safety Energy Lock (SEL) as they are officially called in Jin Shin Jyutsu. This SEL is number 1 and it is called the Prime Mover because it moves the energy from head to toes and toes to head.
When the energy stagnates at the head, it can manifest as a headache. When the energy stagnates in the abdomen, it can manifest as abdominal discomfort and pain, nausea or vomiting.
This can also trigger the nervous system and put pressure on the parasympathetic nervous system.
The parasympathetic nervous system is there to ensure that your body “rests and digests”. A big part of the PSNS is the Vagus Nerve which has connections to many organs including the stomach.
The Jin Shin Jyutsu quick hold

Cross the arms.
Place left hand on right inside of knee at SEL 1 and
Place right hand on left inside of knee at SEL 1.
Relax the hands and hold until there is relief, or until the discomfort has gone.

You might also want to try the exercise this way:
Do not cross the arms.
Place left hand on left inside of knee at SEL 1 and
Place right hand on right inside of knee at SEL 1.
Practice the one that feels that most comfortable for you.
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See also:
A self help hold for Emergencies