Ease a sore throat with Jin Shin Jyutsu

Jin Shin Jyutsu quick hold for a sore throat

When Autumn arrives in the Northern hemisphere, the landscape is transformed. Leaves turn a beautiful yellow and orange colour. At this time of year people often ask me: “Is there a Jin Shin Jyutsu hold for a sore throat?”

There are many exercises we can practice to help a sore throat, but this one is surprisingly simple. You can do it anywhere and at any time. Just make sure your hands are free.

Watch the video where I show you the self help hold

As simple as holding a finger

During his research into how the energy circulates in the body, Master Jiro Murai of Japan discovered something astonishing. He established that each one of our fingers relates to 14,400 energy functions. That’s why holding the fingers is so powerful. Even better, we don’t need to press or pull or massage them. Just wrap one hand around the finger of the other hand. Relax and hold.

In this case, holding the little fingers will help a sore throat. Hold the little finger on the side of the sore throat first. Just hold for a few minutes, or until there is relief. Then hold the other little finger.

The power of little finger

Holding the little fingers is also really helpful for calming heart palpitations (hold especially the left little finger for this).

Little finger is related to the attitude of TRYING TO or as I like to call it: EFFORTING.

What does that mean? Well, if I am having an ‘efforting’ day, then things are hard and just not going my way. I get frustrated. When this happens, I stop what I am doing and hold my little fingers. Often, just holding the little fingers helps change the energy from EFFORTING to EFFORTLESS.

But don’t take my word for it! As Mary Burmeister says: “BE your own testimony.”

Check out my Illustrated Workbooks with lots of Jin Shin Jyutsu exercises.

See also:
Jin Shin Jyutsu: Universal Art to Boost Energy and Balance Emotions