Jin Shin Jyutsu To Keep You Cool This Summer

Question: How can I cool the body?

“I wanted to know whether there are specific Jin Shin Jyutsu holds to cool the body. My problem is that I literally cannot take the heat (meaning that my body doesn’t seem to be able to cool down properly when the temperature rises to above 25 degrees celsius for a couple of days).

I thrive when the temperature is at around 18-22, but my internal airco seems to break down when we have a couple of consecutive days of sunny hot weather.

The symptoms are that I feel a constant light pressure around my head and my eyes and my face turns all red and feels flushed and overheated, I become all sweaty, my feet start to overheat and swell up, and all these symptoms last until the temperature goes down (I’m a nordic type – blonde, blue eyes, pale skin, burn easily) …

You can imagine that every time there is a heat wave predicted here, I really really hope that it won’t last for more than a few days…Any advice to deal with this with the help of Jin Shin Jyutsu holds would be more than welcome.”

A from Belgium

Answer: Jin Shin Jyutsu self help to cool the body

Summer is fun but summer is also difficult for many of us who can’t take the heat very well.

So here are some Jin Shin Jyutsu Self Help Holds for staying cool this summer:

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