Jin Shin Jyutsu for Diabetes

My diabetic problem is increasing slowly


I did my Jin Shin Jyutsu two years back. Wayne Hackett was my coach.

I am now pre-diabetic. Can you suggest some flows for me.

My diabetic problem is increasing slowly. I have done my self help as well as 5 day course.

Kindly help me. I have all materials to refer.

J from Singapore


Hi J.

Thanks for sending me your question.

Apart from the Trinity Flows mentioned in a previous post, it would also help to work with the 10 Flow on page 21 of Text 1 and the Eye Flow on page 24 of Text 1.

Any flow or hold that harmonises the 3rd Depth is also helpful (more on the Jin Shin Jyutsu Depths in a later post).

I also feel that just holding both SELs 13 for a few minutes (or use the 13 Flow), then both SELs 14 (or the 14 Flow or Spleen Flow), then both SELs 15 (or use the 15 Flow) would also be really beneficial for you – this will help clear where the superficial, middle and deep energies cross.

Well, there’s a lot here to work with, so I hope you have FUN!

All the best, Astrid

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