My Jin Shin Jyutsu Story Body Pain

My Jin Shin Jyutsu Story: Body Pain

How it all began

Annemarie’s Jin Shin Jyutsu Story began about eighteen months from writing this, when over a period of three weeks, the muscles in her body ‘seized up’.

Annemarie writes:

“I was in constant, acute pain. I could hardly lift my arms up. Getting dressed was a lengthy and painful business. Moving around and walking was done very slowly.

In fact, any centenarian would have looked spritely compared to me! My whole body felt as though I was being stabbed constantly, or at least how I imagine it feels like to be stabbed.

I can put up with a fair bit of pain, so I did for months, hoping that it would pass.

Any amount of Ibuprofen and Paracetamol I took had virtually no effect and I flatly refused to see a doctor who would only have put me on stronger pain killers or worse, steroids…..none of which I would have taken anyway!

When I finally could not stand the pain any more, I decided to take action.

I had heard from a friend that what Astrid did was ‘amazing’, but this friend didn’t know how, why, or what it was.

Works with natural flows of energy in the body

When I discovered that she works with the natural flows of energy in the body, it helped my decision because, years ago, I had benefitted from a very similar treatment.

After my first treatment with Astrid, I was 50% ‘converted’. Something had certainly happened, although I was still in pain.

The session thereafter went something like this.

As I lay on the couch she says:
“Now, on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the most pain, what do you feel?”
My face screws up with excruciating agony. I moan through gritted teeth: “11”.
“Ah”, she says calmly, moves her hands to another hold and then says: “How about now?”
In total amazement and disbelief I reply: “Virtually nothing.”

After that treatment I became 100% converted and luckily never experienced an 11 out of 10 pain level again!

I realise now that a Jin Shin Jyutsu treatment is totally painless for ‘normal’ people.

Although it took a while for me to reach this point, I am now a very fine tuned engine!

Some simple self help exercises and a monthly Jin Shin Jyutsu MOT keep me fit and pain free.”

Annemarie G.
Wiltshire, England

Astrid’s notes on this case: 
I would like to clarify that I worked intensely with Annemarie over a period of about a year before we got to the no pain ‘maintenance’ phase. This was certainly no ‘quick fix’ case. She came to see me at least once a week, for a while twice a week to continue releasing especially the shoulders and managing pain – after all, there was much history on a physical, mental and emotional level to clear. Later on in the year, and when she felt she was ready for it, Annemarie also saw an osteopath. What her story illustrates is how her body reacted during the JSJ sessions. Happily, she stuck with the treatments and is now enjoying pain free gardening again.

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See also:

My Jin Shin Jyutsu Story: Life Changing