When sitting in the dentist’s chair…
Lately, I have seen many tooth projects come my way. Whenever I feel that my teeth are sensitive or sore, I go to the 16, 17, 18, 19 Flow in Text 1 (available to those who have attended the 5 day Jin Shin Jyutsu seminars).
It’s amazing how quickly my teeth go back to normal! Large Intestine energy function is also helpful and the stomach energy function is good for the gums. (I recommend The Touch of Healing book for more).
When sitting in the dentist’s chair it helps to hold the index finger, a basic Jin Shin Jyutsu self help hold – not only does holding it calm anxiety, but it also moves the energy through the teeth.
Also, Donna Eden has some useful acupuncture points for teeth.
Each tooth corresponds to an energy organ. When there is pain, go to the ‘sedating points’ of the corresponding organ, hold them for a few minutes to reduce the pain. For more information, read Donna Eden’s book entitled Energy Medicine.
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