Jin Shin Jyutsu First Aid 2 Draw Energy Out

Works wonders in many situations

Energy flows through our hands in a specific way. This allows us to use our hands to remove anything harmful from the body. Another wonderful Jin Shin Jyutsu First Aid hold that can work wonders in many situations and all you need are your hands. Use it and be amazed!

Watch the video where I show you this Jin Shin Jyutsu quick hold

How does this hold work?

When we place the right hand over the left hand, this creates a funnel of energy that draws energy OUT of the body. So when we want to get anything out of the body, we can use this really helpful hold.

This is a wonderful Jin Shin Jyutsu hold to add to your first aid tool kit. You will always have this one with you as all you need is your hands! Or someone else’s…


An easy way to remember which hand goes over which one is to think of “RIGHT OUT”. Right hand is on the ‘outside’, and left hand is on the ‘inside’. Right hand OUTSIDE, pulls energy RIGHT OUT!

Place your RIGHT hand over your LEFT hand and hold over the area of the body that is affected – you don’t need to touch the skin – just place your hands above the body. It’ll work just the same!

Best hold to heal burns

This is especially useful to know if there is ever an incident involving burns because this Jin Shin Jyutsu First Aid hold is great for HEALING BURNS. If there is a burn accident, of course, call an ambulance if it warrants one. While you wait, place your right hand over the left hand over the affected area.

If the burns cover a lot of the body, get everyone and anyone available to join in – this hold will start DRAWING OUT THE BURN and HEAT instead of it going deeper and deeper into the body.

Jin Shin Jyutsu First Aid 2 Draw Energy Out Position

Jin Shin Jyutsu Hold to Draw Energy Out

Use this Jin Shin Jyutsu First Aid hold to draw anything out of the body.

Just place your RIGHT hand over your LEFT hand and hold over the affected part of the body. Again, if there is serious trauma, then don’t touch the body – hold your hands above it over the affected area.

You can get really creative with this one

I’ve used this hold very successfully whenever my contact lens moved to the back of my eye and I couldn’t get it out. Well, no more panic. A few seconds of the hands in this position over the eye and presto! like magic! It popped right out.

To get anything out of the eye quickly and easily – this is the hold. Tried and tested.

Then there is a long list of things that you can use this hold for: stings (poison ivy, nettle etc), skin infections, cysts, splinters, pain in an area of concentration like a headache, toothache, tummy ache, etc.

If you forget the ‘correct’ position of the hands

It’s quite understandable that you might forget, especially in an emergency, which is the correct position of the hands. There is no need to worry though, because whichever way you place the hands, you will be helping. Over the years I’ve learnt again and again that the body is clever enough to adjust itself and to use the energy favourably. The result might not happen as quickly, that’s all. When you apply right hand over left hand to draw energy out of the body, this is the most EFFICIENT way for the body to begin repairing itself.

In the post Jin Shin Jyutsu First Aid #1 I explained how placing the hands in a certain position helps the energy PUSH INTO the body to heal wounds.

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