Jin Shin Jyutsu Exercise: Hold MIDDLE finger for ANGER
Hold MIDDLE finger (either side) to harmonize the attitude of ANGER.
Holding the middle finger, ‘the harmonizer’, also helps:
* regulate blood pressure (high or low)
* general fatigue
* eyes, vision
* irritability
* balance emotions
* headaches
* liver and gallbladder energy
* when have to READ a lot

Self Help Story for Blood pressure
Years ago, my friend was well into her pregnancy. When she went for a check up, they told her that her blood pressure was unusually high.
She attended one of my Jin Shin Jyutsu self-help courses but she couldn’t remember what self help to use, so I reminded her to hold her MIDDLE finger a lot.
When I next saw her she told me that when she went for her next check up it was back to normal.
Quick and easy. Effortless reality.
Jin Shin Jyutsu Self Help with Astrid – The Middle Finger
The basis of self help in Jin Shin Jyutsu IS the thumbs and fingers. In this video (originally a live stream on my Facebook page) I talk about the benefits of holding the MIDDLE finger. I also answer viewers’ questions and share some interesting stories! I hope you enjoy the video.
See also:
Kay’s Jin Shin Jyutsu story
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