Case 5: The Power of the THUMB
The basis of Jin Shin Jyutsu lies in holding the thumbs and the fingers. There are many times over the years when I have experienced the power of holding The Thumb. And it’s not just me. Thousands of people around the world are being their own testimony as to how it feels to hold the thumb. And here are a couple of stories.
There are many stories
Someone says to me: ‘I can’t sleep, my mind is full of thoughts and worry.’ I say: ‘Hold your thumb.’ She holds her thumb and she is able to sleep. She says to me: ‘It was amazing! I held my thumb and the next thing I knew it was morning!’ So simple.

Someone says to me: ‘I have a long haul flight tomorrow and I know I’m going to be jet lagged for days and my body rhythms are going to be all over the place’.
I say: ‘Hold your thumb (and the rest of your fingers, but mainly the thumb) throughout the flight. It’ll keep the energy moving and your bio rhythms won’t get so upset.’ Next thing I know, I get an email from my friend and he says: ‘How amazing! I hardly suffered from jet lag and I bounced back nearly effortlessly.’
There’s that word again – simple, effortless reality.
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