Jin Shin Jyutsu for a Healthy Digestion

Jin Shin Jyutsu for a Healthy Digestion

Any discomfort like diarrhoea, constipation, IBS, Colitis, Crohn’s disease can be helped by the Large Intestine Function Energy.

Below is the Left Flow explained (which helps diarrhoea):

Place left hand on right shoulder (SEL 11) and with right hand hold the left index finger.

Then move the right hand to the third rib down on the right side (SEL 13)
Then move the right hand to the last rib on the right side (SEL 14)
Then move the right hand to the left cheekbone (SEL 21)
Then move the right hand to the right clavicle (SEL 22)
Then move the right hand to the left clavicle (SEL 22)

Reverse the order of the hands for the Right side Flow (which helps constipation)

This flow also helps the teeth, gums and jaw, as well as the wrist and shoulder.

It is the key to healthy muscles.

Also good to help nose bleeds.

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