A life skill for Health, Happiness and Longevity
In these Jin Shin Jyutsu online courses with me, Astrid, I take you through the pinciples and the practice of this Art.
The KEYS and principles of Jin Shin Jyutsu are as old as mankind. Rediscovered in Japan by Master Jiro Murai in the early 1900s, he developed the Art which was then brought to the West in the 1950s by his devoted student Mary Burmeister, a Japanese-American.
Jin Shin Jyutsu is often described as ‘Acupuncture with the fingers’ but no pressure or manipulation is used. It can be applied as self help or by a trained practitioner.
Jin Shin Jyutsu Online: Skills for Life Part 1, 2 and 3
Jin Shin Jyutsu Self Help is easy to learn, and once you have the awareness of how to ‘HELP MYSELF’ you have this knowledge for life. There is no need to believe anything for it to ‘work’.
These Jin Shin Jyutsu online courses are based on Mary Burmeister’s self help material.
Skills for Life Part 1
Awaken to Jin Shin Jyutsu: A dynamic Art of Living
Learn the principles of Jin Shin Jyutsu – why it works and how it works. I also introduce the Trinity exercises, the power of the fingers, the three powerful ‘cleaners’, and I cover First Aid Jin Shin Jyutsu.
Skills for Life Part 2
The KEYS of Jin Shin Jyutsu: Our 26 Friends
We have 26 energy sites on the body called “Safety Energy Locks”. Each one has a meaning, location and function. We can learn to release and re-energise them to reduce pain, and promote health and wellbeing.
Skills for Life Part 3
The FUN in Jin Shin Jyutsu: Connecting Fingers and Toes
Learn about the connection between the fingers and toes and the eight ‘mudras’ or finger positions that cleared Master Jiro Murai from terminal illness.
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The self help classes are taught by Astrid Kauffmann (BSc, TIDHA, MFHT) a formally trained and accredited Jin Shin Jyutsu® Practitioner and Self Help Teacher since 2001. Astrid also holds the Tisserand Diploma in Holistic Aromatherapy (1999), and has studied a number of other therapeutic modalities.
“I first became interested in this Art in 1998, after using it to clear my own migraines with some simple self help exercises. Since then, I have shared my love and knowledge of Jin Shin Jyutsu via treatments, talks and self-help classes.”