Jin Shin Jyutsu Training

Find out more about Jin Shin Jyutsu

Many people ask me, where do I go to find out more about Jin Shin Jyutsu?

Well, there is a structured Jin Shin Jyutsu training programme available in many countries.

5 Day Basic Seminar

Some people go straight into the 5-day basic seminar with one of the qualified Jin Shin Jyutsu instructors – after three of these 5-day seminars students receive a practitioner’s certificate.

Self Help Classes

Others like to start off with self-help classes and these are available from ‘advanced’ students all over the world –


Mary Burmeister also wrote a series of self-help books that are available from various sources.

And of course I run a series of online courses called ‘Skills for Life’.

Skills for Life Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 are 6-8 hour online courses (2 hours once a week).

These online courses start with the basics and progress in stages to more advanced aspects of Jin Shin Jyutsu.

The Jin Shin Jyutsu “Skills for Life” online course teaches the art of harmonizing body energy.

Structured into three parts, these courses delve into Mary Burmeister’s teachings across her self-help books.

Introduces the basics of Jin Shin Jyutsu, explaining energy dynamics, the significance of fingers, and foundational exercises.

Covers the 26 Safety Energy Locks, their functions, locations, and practical uses.

Connects the dots between fingers and toes, offering exercises for holistic harmony.

You can find my other courses in my Resources section.

Participants gain a deep understanding of Jin Shin Jyutsu, confidence in its practice, and an array of daily exercises for self-care.

The course package includes live Zoom sessions, replays, workbooks, guided audios, and community support.

You can also join my online Jin Shin Jyutsu Community to learn more.