How to ease fear using Jin Shin Jyutsu

How to ease fear using Jin Shin Jyutsu

In the Jin Shin Jyutsu self help classes we often describe FEAR as ‘False Evidence Appearing Real’. So what does that mean and how can we ease FEAR?

In the early days when I started teaching, one of my friends brought to life ‘False Evidence Appearing Real’ with a lovely anecdote on which I have based the following story:

Imagine you’re walking down a dark alley. You’re afraid of going forwards, but you’re even more afraid of turning back. So you keep going. At the end of the alley a light appears with a MONSTER of a shadow. Now you’re REALLY afraid. Somehow you keep going.  As you get closer, you realise that this ‘monster’ shadow was cast on the wall by a cute little puppy…False Evidence Appearing Real.

FEARS are at the basis of all disharmony.

On a more philosophical level, Mary Burmeister explained that we FEAR when we believe in lack and limitation and THIS is the False Evidence Appearing Real. Because in TRUTH “through Jin Shin Jyutsu our awareness is awakened to the simple fact that all that is needed for harmony [on all levels] is within MYSELF.”

I’ve talked before about the five Attitudes that we experience: Worry, Fear, Anger, Grief and Pretense. Underlying all these attitudes is FEAR. When we believe in lack and limitations, then there is FEAR.

How to Ease FEAR…

The (very) good news is that we can simply hold the INDEX finger (either one) to help harmonise the attitude of FEAR. If the fear is very deep then we can hold each thumb and finger in turn.

Flows For Life How to Ease FEAR False Evidence Appearing Real

Why don’t you give it a go right now?

Sit comfortably in a quiet space. Wrap your right hand around your left index finger, and relax your hands. Close your eyes.

How long to hold for? Until you feel relief.

I find that if I hold my index (or any other) finger for about 20 minutes, I definitely feel things ‘happening’.

See the link for more Self Help Finger Holds

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