Back to Basics Five Ways to Detoxify the Body

Five Ways to Detoxify the Body

Our body is a wonderfully intelligent and complex system. As I said in a previous post, all the zillions of cells require good fuel, clean water and oxygen to work optimally and maintain homeostasis (balance).  In our fast-paced modern world, our body has to work overtime to clean itself, given what it is bombarded with on a day-to-day basis. In many cases, it can’t cope and then it starts breaking down. Dis-ease, discomfort and pain are often the result.

In many cases, this overload of toxins in the body is what causes allergies  and other hard to pin point conditions. Here are five ways to start helping the body clean itself. They are in no particular order of importance, because they are all important.

1. Avoid Chemicals in Food and Drink

For a while (like a week), reduce or even eliminate sugar, caffeine, alcohol, cow’s milk, processed foods (read the labels!), pre-prepared foods (those tv dinners are full of nasty E’s!), low fat products (they say ‘low fat’ but they might have lots of sugar or nasty sweeteners), fizzy drinks and carbonated water which steal calcium from the bones, avoid low fat sweeteners (aspartame, saccharin and others are dreadfully toxic), mass-produced biscuits and sweets, fruit juices (most are concentrated and encourage very fast weight gain), wheat (most breads on the market are not fit to be called bread with all the stuff that is added to each loaf – it causes bloating, heaviness, weight gain, gluten intolerance, celiac disease), meat and poultry (unless organic).

So after all that, I hear you thinking, what do I eat then? Everything else that is not on the list above – I believe 70-80% of the products in the supermarket are not fit for healthy consumption. Go for nuts and seeds, pulses, legumes, fresh vegetables, free range eggs (good source of  protein) – if you can recognise what the basic product is, then that’s a good start!

2. Avoid Chemicals On The Body

Reduce the amount of products you use to clean and groom the body. Perfumes, deodorants, hairsprays and gels, hair colourants, body creams, shower gels and shampoos, fluorinated toothpaste etc, all have chemicals and these build up in the body and have to be processed and eliminated.  So choose, where you can, natural options. For instance, give your body a break from perfumes. Change your regular deodorant for a natural mineral deodorant stick. Instead of regular toothpaste, choose a natural aloe vera toothpaste (here in the UK  we have a brand called Aloe Dent, since using it, my teeth have stopped being sensitive). Use natural products if you can, to colour your hair (I’ve read that red hair colour is particularly carcinogenic, but unfortunately it is very popular !)

3. Avoid Chemicals In The Home and the Environment

We are all tempted by advertising campaigns to buy, buy, buy cleaning products that will make our lives ‘easier’. The truth is, all these cleaning products are extremely toxic for the body over a period of time. Bleach is probably the worst offender. Although I have it in the home, I use it sparingly and only for very specific jobs.

4. Drink more natural still spring water

to flush out toxins from the body (at least 1 liter a day!) Avoid tap water as it is recycled many times and contains lots of chemicals.

5. Practice Jin Shin Jyutsu

To speed up the deep cleaning process by practising this dynamic self help exercise every day: Main Central Source of Life

When you detoxify the body, you feel cleaner on the inside, you have more energy, you lose weight and you can think more clearly. It’s about going back to basics.

Want to learn more?
Have a look at the resources I offer.

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